tonight marks one month clean, one month of not buying coricidin. the problem is i'm having such strong cravings to use. i want to get high so badly. if i don't do it tonight, i'm gonna do it tomorrow. the cravings are so strong, it really hard to control!!! i just have to write an essay for school and then i can start trippin.
i'm feeling so awful, if I had days left, I would go into the hospital before anything happens. In a way its an escape. I really don't want to be here for the high holidays. I don't want to be anywhere, but if I had to be somewhere, I guess the hospital is a safe place to be.
i cut last night, first time in a while. i was upset about my mother's comment that when I finish therapy then we'll have $$. It was a joke, but I can't stand that everything serious about me always becomes a joke. I was beating my head during the day and I cut at night.
today I had art therapy and I did something abt taking risks. its a collage of life vs. death; good vs. bad. I guess it fits with high holidays coming and me feeling like crap. i'm so sad i just feel like sleeping away the day.